Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Deep Breath

This cartoon by Chris Riddell in Sunday's Observer said it all for me: have we ever been less optimistic about a New Year than this one?

Funny, because I'm sure the 2009 they told us about when we were kids involved hovercars, a Life Of Leisure, an end to world poverty, global peace, space travel for all and butler robots fixing cocktails.


Thanks for your company during 2008 and in the words of the Desiderata - 'strive to be happy'.

Here's one for the stroke of Midnight x

Brinsley Schwarz - '(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding' (1974)


  1. All the best to you and your family for 2009 Davy.


  2. Likewise Drew - and your growing family at that x

  3. Happy New Year to you and yours!!!

  4. Love to Davy and all his readers everywhere.

    I'm at an airport about to fly to Ireland for the 'craic'.

    See you on the space age side.


  5. Cracking! Hugs to all four of you and watch out Eire.

    I have a fridge full of Guinness, a fireplace full of coal, champers for Mrs H and a takeaway curry menu at the ready. Bring it on!

  6. Happy Noo Year, Dave, to you and The Girls.

    With love

    M,D,Sir J & Big Al

  7. Cheoz Mart! Prawn Madras from here! Nice!!

  8. Happy New Year to you, Mrs H and the girls and don't be so negative. We're al in our forties and we've been through all this doom and gloom stuff before and come out the other side. We may not all have spandex jackets but you can travel under sea by rail and it may not be the future we all imagined but today my 7-year old said "Dad, have you finished on the computer because I want to use it." Imagine that conversation even 20 years ago.

  9. He's on your computer again??! X

  10. Well you see access to the PC in this house is on a time share basis and in order of importance within our family unit, so naturally I come last.

    ...and of course, he would know to spell 'all' with two l's...

    Verification word 'leape' in honour of the leap second we're all going to add tonight

  11. I added mine earlier - I figured, why wait?

  12. I should tell you more often how much I like your blog because I always look forward to your posts. And it isn't just the tunes either, though they never fail to enchant.

    Happy New Year and thanks so much.

  13. Happy New Year hunni! I can't imagine 2009 without your blog, thanks for being here in 2008 with me xoxox

  14. looking on the bright side at least a reformed specials are going to feel right at home.

    felicitations to you and yours


  15. Thank you Greer, that's very sweet; and Tarty, I ain't goin' nowhere. Except perhaps to see The Specials like Ally says....'I'm the man in grey/I'm just the man at C&A' x

  16. Ah, Dearest Davy, a very happy 2009 to you, despite all the gloom and doom. In fact, sod the gloom & doom! G&Ts all round, crank up the stere-ere-ereo!!

    Word verification: prized.

    No joke.

    And you are indeed!! :)

  17. FiL, you're a treasure. I've just cranked Donna up to 10 and am about to crack a large one. HNY volunteer!


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