Saturday, December 13, 2008

Good Winter

Funny how being away and having your music but hearing it in a different place and different mood (tired, a bit melancholy, missing the people you love) some songs and artists take on a new resonance.

The last couple of times around in the moonstruck limits of outer Zurich (think Croydon - they even have trams) it was Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen and Brook Benton's 'Rainy Night In Georgia' and this time as the snow thickened it was this, which I played over and over and have been ever since.

I haven't been as struck by/obsessed with a 'new' song since Low's 'Just Like Christmas' this time last year; the brilliance of this is inestimable I think - the choppy acoustic and slide guitars, the heartfelt falsetto and the brass-effect bits which make me think of Sally Army bands on cold, foggy street corners in December. Forever ago.

Plus, anyone who has their picture taken with their pussycat is alright by me.

Bon Iver - 'For Emma' (2008)

His MySpace.

Guess what? This is my 400th post. Who'd have thought, eh?


  1. Happy 400! I'm exatick to read this news...

    WV: exatick

  2. 400 and at least some of them half decent (just kidding), i will be forever thankful for The Easter Parade.
    Keep it up.
    Now where is that soul?

  3. 'At least some of them half decent' - I might adopt that as my strapline Drew...

    Soul Sunday maybe?

  4. ah, I missed you last night hun! But happy happy 400!!! And yes, a man and his pussie is always a turnon :) I must get around to listening to this Bon Iver fellow and your recommendation is the nudge I needed, thanks xoxoxo

  5. Soul Sunday has a nice ring to it.

  6. Ahh, if only I'd known I'd've brung you a cake...

    Well done that man! 400 posts is extremely good going.

  7. The Quattrocento! Well done, Davy. And to paraphrase Thelonious Monk, it's all soul music.

  8. and every one a treasure duckie. glad to find you back and warm. and everything i do is for emma as it goes. super

  9. Me old mate

    Just got back from a 500 mile round trip drive. All I can see is flashing lights, Ginster crumbs on my jumper and 3 fingers of freshly pored JD.

    400 posts... Ecky Thump. That's akin to an Olympic Gold, Blue Peter Badge and and a full Esso 1970 World Cup Coin Collection.

    (Perhaps the BBC should do a Blog Personality Of The Year Award).

  10. I hope you avoided the cheddar cheese and onion - more repeats than ITV3 and somewhat riper.

    Ally - well done you, we like Emmas x

  11. Crikey J - find it hard to think an hour ahead here, frankly.


  12. Hey Davy, Liked your writing 'Good Winter' but ya left out 'Kentucky Rain' which belongs right in there with that bunch o' dirges. Same time & place. Congrats on being around so long and lets hope your little surprises continue!

  13. Well done, Davy, for your 400th (I'm still struggling to make 300). Long may you that sounds like a cue for a song.

  14. Ta Mikel - I do like 'Kentucky Rain', as a matter of fact ; )

    Steve - exhaustively researched and lovingly crafted missives like yours = 'struggle to make' 300; off the cuff noodlings like mine = 400 a doddle! x


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