Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Peace, Out

I've wrapped the presents but still have that nagging feeling I've forgotten something important; Mrs H is back from the supermarket with vittels and I'll be making the booze run later. We've already watched The Snowman, The Muppets Christmas Carol and that daft one where Leslie Nielsen is Santa with memory loss, but haven't yet steeled ourselves for the weepfest that is It's A Wonderful Life (be strong my heart!). The mother-in-law arrives tomorrow ("Is there anything I can do to help?"). Someone has eaten all the cheesy footballs and most of the Quality Street before it's even Christmas Eve. The sprouts have two more days to boil.

Putting this on for a moment I'm in Vegas in '63.......JFK's still alive and the crowd at The Sands are wearing those pointy foil party hats you only ever see in the movies - Frank, Dino and Sammy are living high in the dirty business of festive dreams. I won $35,000 on the blackjack tables earlier today and blew it all on diamond jewellery and that sexy red dress with the sequins for Mrs H. The girlies sleep tight in their great feather bed in the penthouse suite.

Sing it Sammy.

Sammy Davis, Jr. - 'It's Christmas Time All Over The World' (1963)

And so it is! And so are you - my friends.

Thank you so much for your company this year.

And have a splendid one - wherever you are x


  1. Have a good one matey - hope you and all the H's (full size or fun size) have a truly magical Christmas..

  2. PS love the seasonal tweaks on the blog. I'm sure I've mentioned this before? I must have mentioned this before - but have your little'uns checked out the NORAD tracks Santa site. Get them to phone the manned helpline - they'll have a merry meltdown

  3. You've mentioned that before! Time for your medication! Thanks Mond!!!

  4. Have a great time with the family Mr H. Hope Santa brings you everything on your list.

    Thanks for all the tracks this year, some brilliant disco and reggae.

  5. Hey Drew - same to you & yours, and have fun with that Falcon.

  6. We're nowhere near that organised over here but I'm hoping that by this time tomorrow I'll be able to relax and roast my nuts over an open fire or whatever it is you're supposed to do.

    Have a great Christmas. Love to you, the missus and the girlies. Tell them puppies are great fun.

  7. Thank you Michael; likewise to you, Mrs Mick and the Micklets/Sparks.

    Yes, we're about 24 hours ahead of where we were this time last year, my last blogpost included. Hmmm - I wonder what we've forgotten?

  8. Merry Christmas sir- hope its a good one. I've enjoyed your blog all year, some great songs, and I'm never sure what's coming next. I wish I had a Lego Millneium Falcon to build like Drew has.

  9. It's the season's most wanted gift!

    Merry Christmas to you too SA and thanks for popping in through the year - if it's any comfort, I'm never sure what's coming next either ; 0

  10. Happy Christmas, dear Mr. H! Love to your whole family too. I hope it's the merriest yet, and that the booze holds out.

  11. To the lovely H family.
    May your Christmas be warm and merry. Santa is en route.

    We all seem to be growing old together as the years slalom past.

    All my love


  12. Bless you Dickie dear boy - all the very mostest of the season to you & yours ; I heard Ol' Saint Nick even stops by parallel universes sometimes...x

    *sighs & sips first ale of the day*

  13. Merry Xmas davy, and thanks for your comments on TK. Take care x

  14. Cheers Stevie: Merry Christmas to you and yours x

  15. Have a great one, I look forward to more of your blogging excellence next year.

  16. Amen to that. *is on 2nd bottle of vin blanc* I love you guys!!!!

  17. Merry Christmas to you Davy, hope you and the family have a lovely day. And now - a mince pie, a glass of port and then to bed.

  18. I'm awfully late, but Sammy still sounds as festive as ever! Wishing you and yours a most wonderful Christmas. Thank you for all the lovely songs.

  19. ALWAYS the right note. And song selection.

    Thanks for sharing the year...

  20. Belated glad tidings to you and all the Hs. Hope it was all good. Thanks for another entertaining year here in this little corner of the blogosphere.

  21. Thank you lovely people. Hope you each had a great Christmas and that you are making good use of the 'downtime' - if you have some.

  22. Always late to the party. So, now I wish you all the best for the new year! Cheers.

  23. Such a nice post, building up to one of the great Christmas songs. Children should never be allowed on record, except on Christmas songs.

    Hope your Crimbo was great.

  24. Thanks Big B - likewise to you and all the AD crew.

    It was, thank you Major; hope your festivities were too. Can we make an exception for the kids on 'Another Brick In The Wall'?


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