Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Post Solstice, Postgate

Dark, isn't it?

No wonder we people of the northlands bring the only trees that are green into our huts and light our fires & candles and quaff of the winter ale and tell our tall tales at this point in the cycle of the turning of the mother earth.

It is all I can do to lift my head from the pillow of a morn.

The Jesus & Mary Chain - 'Darklands' (1987)


  1. I am also reminded of those brilliant lines in Talking Heads 'Cities'...

    Think of London
    A small city
    Dark in the daytime

    People sleep
    Sleep in the daytime
    If they want to
    If they want to

  2. Not that dark what with all of the bloody white stuff, but colder than a witch's you know what, I feel like a character in a Solzhenitsyn novel, continually clearing the bloody snow.

  3. Great tune. All the snow here in Manc has gone, replaced by our more usual rain. I'm really missing the white stuff.

  4. Me too S.A - endless drizzle and darkness here. Plus, I have toothache, though no sign of the Wisdom I assume is supposed to come with it.

  5. We've been terrors for lazing and a'loafing.. with midday get ups mainly..

    Never realised how much Oliver sounds like Michael Palin before.

    Have a good one Davy

  6. Happy New Year Davy, and thanks for everything this past year. x
    Word verification: blessms

  7. Happy New Year matey. Cheers for everything you've posted this year!

  8. Hey chaps, blessms indeed - I shall be popping in on yours later, probably the worse for drink x

  9. Ooh! Good choice - haven't heard in an age.

    Have wanted to stay cocooned all week but have had to schlep into work. Has been hard, Dave. Hard. Very much looking forward to getting under the duvet with MLW later for a bit of Jools and laziness.


  10. Just played the Nogin the Nog piece. How wonderfully bleak Oliver Postgate's narration is. In fact, he brought a wintery feel to all of those wonderful children's animations of the time.

    Fabulous choice for a post, Dave. Truly inspired! And capped off with the perfect musical accompaniment. Great album.


  11. I do not think there is a voice more evocative of my tender years - perhaps Brian Cant's narrating Camberwick Green would be close...


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