Thursday, May 19, 2011

In Order To Dance

I could have sworn blind I posted this a few years back but, honestly, it appears not.

What an oversight, since it is bloody marvellous (as I was reminded when it popped up on Shuffle tonight).

They're from Paris you know.

Mais oui.

Tom & Joyce - 'Para Bailar' (2002)


  1. Well if you didn't bog it you recommended it to me. Bought for silly pennies from Amazon and gets a spin every summer. Salut!

  2. I meant blog - but you knew that!

  3. I remember! Bog it...! HA!

  4. ain't blog an 'orrid word for all this . proper rotten. i keep trying to find a better one but ah you know what the tweetybirds and the that other stuff...
    top choice by the way. all springy. i might go all pink wine specially

  5. Pink wine specially's the thing x


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