Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Softly Telling Me

Mrs H went out with the girls last night and said this was playing in the bar (they asked what it was). She says she walked home in rain that fell so straight and gentle it made her feel happy, but that may just have been the wine.

Jon Lucien - 'Rashida' (1973)


  1. I reckon it must have been the wine, Davy

  2. Hard to separate cause and effect sometimes I guess. Welcome back the Drewster.

  3. Cheers Davy.

    The Guinness and the Ulster Frys were magic, weather Baltic.

  4. Hi Davy H
    Great Blog as usual
    Am sitting here in mellow mood listening to Jimmy Webb
    Macarthur Park is a classic
    Glad to hear Mrs H had a good birthday & looking forward to seeing you Saturday
    Azarat xx

  5. Mmmm. Rich creamery butter. Must've been a good bar.

  6. I'm not really a rain fan but when you get really wet with that soaking rain that goes through to your bones you resign yourself to the inevitable and the resentment at getting wet goes. Then I'm happy. But I'd rather have the sun. I'll shut up now I'm rambling ....

  7. So I am the only person who read the post and thought 'aren't the girls a bit young to be out in a bar, even if it's with their mum'.

  8. Ah, they stand their rounds with the best of them ; )

  9. ooooh what a lucky girl and what a tasteful bar - rashida's still the most expensive record in my pile - fifty whole bloomin pounds that was way back before everything marvelous got reissued. you can get it for about seven in sister ray these days.
    and if anyone ever needs to do seducing this works every time

  10. I first heard him at your place darl, so respect is due x

  11. Flute tune. Ace.


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