Monday, December 24, 2007

It Is Christmas Eve Babe

And so...we tell stories.

And in the stories are all our hopes and fears - all the things we want to be and all the things we try to flee.

But at this time our hopes most of all; that there can be a place where we default to goodwill, that everyone is loved, that the lowly are as important as the rich - and that there shall be peace, for ever and ever amen.

And we bring our gifts, which are nothing special, but are all we can afford.

And we want it so hard to be true, this time..


'My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?'

- Bob Hope

Merry Christmas everyone and thanks so much for being here throughout the year.

This blog is now closed for the season.


Jeff Buckley - 'Corpus Christi Carol' (1994)
John Lennon - 'Imagine (Take 1)' (1971)


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