Monday, July 14, 2008

Bless The Weather

This week I am forecasting sunny spells and shedloads of away-from-the-desk work - so my appearances here may once again be erratic, perhaps even rare, but I'll be enjoying the lunchtimes in London parks and the comforting warmth of the streets. I'll have the title track of 'Bless The Weather' in my head because I'm slightly obsessed with it currently (thanks again Beth) and do you know, I might even make some room in there for Donovan.

Poor old Donovan; I never felt the same about him after that 'compare and contrast' scene in Don't Look Back where he noodled away at his latest sweet little tune just before Dylan let rip with 'It's All Over Now Baby Blue' but like a lot of sugar-based substances he's OK in small doses I suppose. Although spare me 'Mellow Yellow'. Obviously.

This is famously good though - all the better for the Danny Thompson-esque bass and restrained little chamber-jazz arrangement.

I know, never trust a hippy.

Donovan - 'Sunny Goodge Street' (1965)

[That stunning photo is by Bob Hyde - on show here]


  1. love that era Donovan, including Mellow Yellow; it's the slightly twee swinging london grooviness.

    Although you can't really apply 'twee' to this track or my other favourite Season Of The Witch.

    Prefer him to Dylan these days. Yeah I know: must be getting mellow in my old age.

  2. Oh and I'm five minutes walk away from Goodge Street and it's cloudy and grey. Not as warm as it looked like it was going to be.

    You may have jinxed it for me!

    Oh, here comes some sun. Oh there it goes.

  3. 25C forecast for tomorrow...

  4. Have you checked out Donovan's Barabajagal (Love Is Hot)? Properly funky and on my blog somewhere, if you fancy grabbing it.

  5. I have that on an old CD comp of sunny pop things from the 60s like 'Summer In The City' and 'Sunny' and 'Monday Monday'. Which is nice.

  6. Well, Goodge Street isn't very sunny. And to cap it all I've had a song going through my head all day:


    Cheers mate!!

  7. Sorry about that. And the weather. It has been a bit sunny. Better than in Glasgow anyway ; )

  8. Bloody hot here, nearly 100 degrees every bloody day. Bloody bloody.
    P.S. Did I mention 'Kicks' is back?

  9. i'm a big fan of goodge st - i've always fancied one of those top of the buildings with a roof garden flats. ah well...
    and this is a lovely song never mind the drizzle and the flute bit which always makes me nearly turn it off...
    and ta especially for the photo thing - i'm off down there asap. i reckon the shop on the corner is old compton street but i always get those things wrong...
    i hope you've not caught your death sweetie

  10. I need to get myself down to that gallery too - those pictures are special aren't they?

    Know what you mean about the flute.
    'Ere you hippies! Gedaht of it!

  11. PS: Er, Steve, yes you did. Get yourselves over to Teenage Kicks punters.


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