Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunny Pop Song # 2

I dug out my mono copy of the first Monkees LP the other night and it was a splendid listen I can tell you. The general mood of it also put me in mind of this, which came much later when they'd bizarrely even started being a sort of 'real' band (though to be fair Davy Jones could always sing and Mike Nesmith not only looked the best but could, famously, actually 'play', maaan); it certainly has the requisite breeziness for our Easter weekend and may even afford Mondo some further 'straw hat and cane' action in the chorus.

The Monkees - 'Someday Man' (1969)

Wish me luck; I'm off to try and find some Smarties Easter eggs on a Woolworths-free high street.


  1. Eee!! The Monkees are always an excellent choice. Thank you and happy Easter weekend!

  2. Written by Paul 'Rainy Days & Mondays' Williams and Roger Nichols, it seems to do more in 2:40 than most songs do in 4:00 and had it appeared on a Beatles album would be hailed as genius. There is no justice in the world (of course) but at least we appreciate it, huh?

    And Jules, you are my youngest ever commentator. Hurrah!

  3. there's a photo of a very small me somewhere with a plastic beatles guitar singing hey hey we're the monkees. i just instinctively knew who was best. it's a gift.
    but somehow this genius hasn't translated to monkees lps apart from a ktel greatest hits. so this is a revelation and the start of housekeeping saving. you're a star as ever

  4. oh and on the woolworth thing - is it going to bring more business to the little shops? or just tescos?

  5. There's a Tesco exactly where our old Woolies used to be, but the Easter Eggs selection was rubbish. I think we all very much need to see that picture, by the way.

  6. Never mind your Easter Eggs, where am I going to get M's gutties (plimsoles to you southerners).

    WV - polepreo, nearly Polperro, it's a sign.

  7. Lesson 4: "Aye, it's too dreich for a rammy on the bing wi'out mah gutties"

  8. I am pleased to know that even as a child I had superior taste in tunes as I preferred the Monkees over all other TV fare of the day. Thanks, darlin' for bringing it back to mind, and I hope you've had a Happy Easter! xoxox

  9. Thanks Tarty - through the snot, yes x


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