Friday, February 06, 2009

To Hell With Other People

When you've been waiting a long time for the train of inspiration, with no announcements to suggest when it might come, the best thing is probably to post some Dutch indiepop you like and have done with it.

Bettie Serveert - 'Hell = Other People' (2006)


  1. Can sympathize Davy, been a bit like that for me the last 3 days as can probably be seen from the Raveonettes and Havana Guns posts.

    Excellent track.

  2. It's lovely isn't it?

    On the 'inspiration' front, I've been having fun with Eno's Oblique Strategies on the web.

    One is 'Don't be afraid of things because they're easy to do'(!)

  3. Sometimes a song title just demands to be listened to. This was one of those songs. Excellent!

    Thanks. I'm on my way to track her down on emusic.

  4. Blogs sell music shocker! Proost Rol!

  5. are you indie poppeting AGAIN ?

  6. And thank you for not stopping my friend!



  7. Just looking at that picture of Bettie should cheer you up so much as to embrace the world with love and joy.

  8. Hurrah!

    As older readers are I'm sure aware, the lady's name is Carol Van Dyk.

    Bettie Serveert is the band name and means "Bettie Serves" and is taken from a Dutch television program, hosted by Dutch tennis player Betty Stöve (Wiki).

  9. put those indie poppets down.

    Now where did you put the 'meanwhile'?

  10. Our Carol! (She dropped the 'e' for obvious reasons. Said she'd rather be a dyk than a dyke)

    She may look like a little poppet, but she won't tidy her bedroom.
    Me and her mum don't know what to do for the best.

  11. Dick, Carol must find her own way - let her be herself, as hard as that may seem - in the end, if you and Doris are there to support her through difficult times, I am certain your relationship will grow.

  12. Dear Davy

    Thank you for your experienced advice.

    I know I should let go - and allow her to snog the face off spotty chavvy erks with their jeans hanging down and their unchanged in a week underpants on display and hat on indoors man bag fare-dodging unkempt feet on the seats Jagermeister breath parasitic college dodging wank stain on the pants of society lank dandruff encrusted puss-filled converse all saints 28 inch waisted inane cosy smug ill- mannered insignificant wretching disrespectful marsupial eared cunting ways ...

    but it aint easy. Is it me?

  13. Dick - I sense a lot of anger in you. Are you getting enough


  14. Oh dear, I do feel as if I've walked into someone's dressing room here! But I do adore the word "poppet" ... and this tune! Thanks, luv xoxox

  15. Dressing room?? Nurse! The screens!

  16. You can walk in on my dressing room any time, lovely Ms T.

    Anyway, I've decided to ignore my Agony Uncle Davy. In order to protect my young daughter, I am to sit on the porch with a double-barrelled shotgun.

  17. I bought Lamprey and Palomine when they came out - really loved the latter track after hearing it on the Evening Session (then presented by Jo Whiley & Steve Lamacq).
    With regard to the Oblique Strategies, I cam across them some time ago through Brian Eno's diary and really enjoy some of them but others I find really emotionally unsettling. Maybe that's just me...?

  18. Perhaps unsettlement(?) is the root of all creativity. Or something.

    BS were very hotly tipped back then I remember - this before the Great Scandinavian Wave, at a time when a band singing in English who were not themselves first-language English speakers was very unusual and a little thrilling.

    A nice woman once taught me how to say 'I'm having a lie-in tomorrow' in Dutch, but sadly I've forgotten it. I have forgotten most things.


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