Tuesday, October 06, 2009

At Last I Am...

Three years of my life peddling this nonsense! 526 posts! 4,695 comments! Some of them from real people! And popstars! Write ups in The Grauniad! Links from The Word! Countless witterings! Quite a lot of music! But still no podcasts! Or pre-planning! Hurrah!

Thank you for your companionship - I'd have given this up long, long ago had it not been for you - yes, you! xx

Here's a lovely, apposite, 3 minute 42 second thing from a while back you can listen to whilst, Winslet-like, I 'gather, gather'.

Tanya Donelly - 'My Life As A Ghost' (2004)


  1. My days would've distinctly shoddier without all the trips round here - you're a blooming treasure dearie. have a super birthday and thankyou


  2. Thank you my dear. I honestly nearly didn't post this, because this kind of thing can get a bit self-indulgent; but I have loved these three years, and connecting with you and everyone has truly been a wonderful, wonderful thing x

  3. Congrats times 3 Davy - apparently 'leather' is a 3rd anniversary theme - were you not tempted with a bit of Judas Priest, Saxon or something from the NWOBHM instead.

  4. Happy 3, Davy!

    Probably wouldn't have started mine if I hadn't come across yours and Mick's.

    Inspirational indeed!

  5. Happy birthday. Keep it up!

  6. Thanks chaps: hello Rol!

    Hmmm, leather....the Jesus & Mary Chain's about all I can manage...

  7. PS: Saxon were a bit more denim, weren't they?

  8. All the best Davy, life has been measurably enhanced since finding your blog not least due to the Billy Franks gig review.

    Mondo, I had a strange craving for Tommy Bolin era Deep Purple last night unsatisfied I might add as I couldn't find a download of Last Concert In Japan which would work. Saxon maybe a step too far, however I should own up to having bought singles by both when very young and impressionable.

  9. Happy Birthday, Dave. Same as my brother's, funnily enough. Although he's a few over 3...


  10. Hmm. Word verification is colon. 3 years old time for a check up!!

    Read this earlier, but couldn't comment thanks to work's firewall.

    Thanks for a grand run. You along with JC The Villain, Adam and LondonLee were the 4 bloggers I followed religiously for quite some time before I even commented, so it's your fault!!!

  11. I'm a bit upset Dean Friedman hasn't popped in yet, to be honest.

  12. You just want to hear from your showbiz mates these days Davy, you've changed.

  13. Just off for a pina colada with Rupert Holmes - catch you later.

  14. Wahay! Only just noticed this. Many, many congratulations! Life wouldn’t be the same witout you and your blog. What did we all do in the days before the internet?

    P.S. So tell me, all those jazz posts – was that just your blog going through the terrible twos?

  15. Bonnie nuptials - three is grown up, no question, it's not a coincidence that 'dog years' and 'blog years' rhyme. Kind of.

  16. Hi Davy, thanks for all the music, the opinions and just for being you, even if these days I don't get the chance to visit your world very often. All my very best and long may you run. x

  17. I've just made the connection At Last I Am Free/Three - very clever..
    And another one for the autumn almanac. I must do more mellow..

    Did you have a celebratory curry?

    PS Mrs M says thanks for the Monday birthday shouts to all..(she's a bit blog-shy)

  18. Davy H

    There is little I can say that could encapsulate the love I feel for you and your little blog.

    You are an integral part of my daily routine. And yet, unlike say, having a poo, I don't take you for granted. No sir.

    Sometimes I don't visit every day -yet sometimes I feel the urge to enjoy several visits.

    A visit is invariably satisfying. A quiet read, a smile, and a few private moments alone, all help unload the cloying baggage of the day.

    Thank you

  19. And you can thank your lucky stars I aint sued you for deformation of character. You Indie jazzy disco Punk! You and all your middle aged livin in the past disciples

    Dean Friedman

    PS Did you see Lisa?

  20. Yes I saw Lisa.

    But I'm sure that if you were the real Dean Friedman you'd know the difference between 'deformation' and 'defamation'...

    Still, Rupert sends hugs! (he's bored with his laydee) x

    PS: Bless you lovely chaps all. Blog years or dog years, the jazz is here to stay, baby.

    Dickie, I feel 'unload the cloying baggage of the day' has real potential as a future strapline. I'll have my people call your people. Let's do breakfast soon. Ciao!

  21. No it's 'deformation' alright. Have you seen my fucking face recently?


    PS: Is that why you're angry?

  22. Maybe a little?

  23. OK Davy boy - you win!

    Night night.

  24. I always look forward to stopping by and I'm never disappointed when I do- you're always an inspiration. Thank you and Happy 3!


  25. Thank you G - always lovely to have you 'round x

  26. Happy anniversary! I'm so happy to have made your acquaintance, and yours is one of my very favorite blogs, even if I am always irresponsibly late.

    You realize, it's been a year-ish since we "met" as well? I was going to list off all the great music you introduced me to in that year, but it would take up too much space.

    Yours in BlossomDearieness,


  27. Ah, thankyou Dane. Don't know what I did before I had your wonderful pictures to brighten my mornings. Irresponsibly late - it's the hip thing to be my dear x

  28. You are too kind companero, ta.


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