Tuesday, July 06, 2010

My Own Wey

And in complete contrast...

I walked the River Wey Navigations in deepest Surrey today - well, the stretch between Pyrford and Send and back, at least. A literal quiet stretch of stream to match the figurative one I've hit after a time of whiter water - canal boats and ancient locks, reedbeds, willows, wild meadow, a kestrel hovering overhead; buzzin' flies.

Four hours walking in green - it's good for the soul.

Not even the barking Surrey golfers through the trees could spoil my mood.

I wouldn't want them as my neighbours mind.

(London, That's The Place For Me, etc).

Paul Weller* - 'Country' (1993)

* Local boy made good.


  1. That looks lovely - did you fill out your Butterfly Survey? Top marks if you got any Brimstones.

  2. Er, I think I might have stepped on one of those.

  3. Good job you weren't time travelling.

  4. Would this be 'Wey' as in Weybridge - where Lennon and Bongo had their Fab pads?

    Word Veri = fishen

  5. Yes Mond, if you fancy a day as a Nowhere Man you can walk the whole stretch from Weybridge to Godalming (21 miles).

    And JC, you are too kind.

  6. Lovely walk, lovely photos. I envy you!

  7. Thanks both.

    Anyone who wants to see truly lovely photos should head over to Dane's!!

  8. Oh my goodness, if I weren't neglecting my friends all summer I'd have seen your kind words before now. And you say that at a time when I'm barely updating. You are too kind.


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