Friday, July 30, 2010

The Smiling Hour

Ach yes, on the face of it this isn't so Friday night, but I reckon if you and your cocktails are chilled it could stack up very nicely.

And I'm 45 tomorrow; so like Lee once said (in so many words) I'm old enough not to have to Justify My Music to anyone.

Yeah baby - I *heart* Sade!

Which I do not think is hard to do with this lovely, lovely, slow-jam bassy thing.


Sade - 'Lovers Rock' (2000)


  1. Happy birthday for tomorrow mate, and nowt wrong with Sade. Lovely songs, lovely voice, lovely lady.

  2. It's just a shame she's such a minger.

  3. You never have to justify liking Sade to me, old man. Back in the day I thought Your Love Is King was the ultimate in sophistication. Have a happy 45th tomorrow.

  4. Dammit have an early birthday present. I was saving it for my own blog but I seem to have given up blogging. It's the 8min 50sec 12-inch version of Smooth Operator.

  5. You don't have to justify Sade around these parts either, my fave is By Your Side.

    All the best for tomorrow.

    L is away up north for a hen weekend, so just me and the boys which means very limited amounts of alcohol.

    btw - brought some lovely vin rose back from France

  6. Bless!

    *has 'nother mid-life crisis moment - Drew's wife young enough for hen weekends...yikes, etc*

  7. have a marvelous marvelous birthday old thing


  8. Nah, she's a couple of years younger than yourself, it's just we have quite a few friends who kicked the arse out of it before deciding to settle down.

    Number one son down, number 2 watching Voyager. I think maybe a glass of vin.

  9. Du vin enfin!

    Ally! You're back!!! xx *is overwhelmed with joy, love, bonhomie, other posh foreign words for happy!*

  10. when my wife was born Adam And the Ants were at number 1 with Stand And Deliver. I am Mr Mid Life Crisis....

  11. Christ almighty Simon did you abduct her from her creche?

  12. nearly 30!

    She's gonna be trading you in shortly

  13. I like that nearly 30! I.e - she's in her 20s!! I have whiskies older than that!!

  14. *crisis at hitting 45 gets worse*

  15. You'll be fine Mr H, just don't associate with that Simon and his teenage bride.

  16. Well, they do live in the country.

  17. Mick, I am enjoying the long 'Smooth Op' very much indeed, thank you mon brave. I never hugely liked that song and remember Lenny Henry's 'Lathe Operator' sketch (sadly not on YouTube, as far as I could see) much more fondly, but the whole extended thing works beautifully I think; you are aware you have almost been in contact with 'jazz' listening to it, mind?

  18. Well, I had a brief flirtation with jazz in the 80s because there was a jazz influence in a lot of the music I was listening to - this was when I bought my Dave Brubeck LP - but I just couldn't get into the real thing. However, I still like jazzy pop and rock like this or Donald Fagen/Steely Dan.

    PS I found Smooth Operator a bit boring til I heard this version.

  19. Is what I'm saying! It's v. much more interesting, and I thank you for it.

  20. Clacton's finest is a perfect way to celebrate. It's sit down music, no question, but I've always been a fan of Sade - her bit in Absolute Beginners - feast your eyes on a vision - is just wonderful.

    Happy birthday xx

  21. Fuck me, I've gatecrashed jazz club. Sophistication ... arse!

    80s trillion selling CD coffee table smooth as a bucket of snake poo alongside Brothers In Arms and No Underpants Required stonewashed banana yellow quiff with a Simple Minded piano-patterned skinny tie fingerless-gloved ra-ra white socked soda stream filofax knitted cock-warmer Desparately Seeking Hayzee Fantazee albino monkeyed Pierrot doll with bobby big bollocks.

    Happy birthday davy.
    Love and respect
    Dickie x

  22. I told you we should have a door policy! I told you!

  23. He's been in the shed again

  24. A Happy 45 rpm Birthday to you Young Man.

    Present on its way (if I ever get round to it...!)

    with love

  25. Ahem. Good day.

    May I apologise for the somewhat peremptory nature of my last comment. The somewhat down-to-earth, brusque tone was perhaps a little curtly put. Any offence caused by my terse Friday night off-handedness is regretted.

    Following a challenging week, I may have over-imbibed slightly dans le shed.

    I love you all.

    Now, could you just stop it with the fucking 80s jazz-tinged shite.

  26. Yes. Very good Mick.
    Aren't they appearing at a wedding reception in Penge later today?

  27. I'm with you on most of the 80's shite you mentioned. Indeed that head band wearing cunt from Dire Straits is second against the wall come the revolution but I'm rather fond of Sade, not what she represented, wine bars, red braces and the like but I do think she can carry a tune

  28. Happy Birthday, me old cock.

    I don't blame Sade for what she "represented" (not her fault who buys her records) but I do blame her for shagging Robert Elms (and not me)

  29. Happy Birthday Davy. We will raise a glass to you forthwith.

    Will dig out a Sade LP and play it tomorrow morn.

  30. Thanks all, you are lovely people: come with me into my mid-life crisis, do.

    Her loss Lee.

  31. Hope you had a good birthday Davy H. I love Sade too, she is the sweetest taboo. From your funk buddy Wayne

  32. Happy belated birthday Davy. Not so sure about Sade myself but each to his own...

  33. How was the birthday weekend, Davy dear? Sounds like you had a lovely, sophisticated one. I had a greasy, fried foods at the state fair one, myself.

    You'll be my classy friend, then.

  34. Ah yes D - a pub lunch, a curry up the road and home on the bus: the very definition of sophistication, moi ; )

  35. Happy Belated...hope it was chilled and curried...!

  36. I know getting older is rough but it does beat the alternative, MrH. I hope 45 is the best year yet.

  37. Thank you, both. It could not have been more chilled and curried and yes G, you speak the truth x


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