Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gone West

This is the small Devon town I grew up in, and this is where we are heading today for a week's break from Da Smoke.

I am hoping for some sunshine, sea air and home-made Devonshire ice cream with a gurt dollop of clotted cream on top and our girlies are hoping to catch shorecrabs with bacon-baited fishing lines from the stone steps of the harbour in the evenings (we will put them in a bucket and admire them for a bit before returning them to the water to catch them again the next day, probably).

If it rains we might go and see the rillas and rangatangs and ride on the little train through the jungle here.

I don't know how I will cope for a week without teh internets and you, but I will try. The pub lunches may help.

With luck and a following wind I shall be back here postin' next Saturday nite.

I really am missing you already...x

The Bible - 'Honey Be Good' (1988)
Roddy Frame -'Shore Song' (2006)


  1. Pub lunches cure all. Have a good week!

  2. I caught crabs in Torquay once.

    Anyway, have a refreshing, salt in your nasal passages, shower dodging, candy floss of a week m'boy.

  3. Ah, there go the pangs of my own upbringing at the shore...

    Enjoy the week!

  4. I so very much hope they have abba on that jukebox for you all, churches, haircuts, swinging on tyres and all the rest... have a great break davy...x

  5. You won't get this till you get back so hope you had a good break buddy!

  6. Thank you for the "Weekend" treat, Davy. I have this as a 7" too, but i've been searching for a decent MP3 of it for a seeming eternity; maybe some day i'll finally get round to converting my viny, but in the meantime this brings back some very pleasant memories.

    Alison Statton is now a chiropractor, eh ? I vividly remember sitting in a dentist's waiting room in 1982 with this song playing in my head on a loop. Soothing.

    Hope you and your kids have a great time holidaying in Devon. We're all set to go wigwam-ing in the highlands in a month's time, so i hope the weather holds out. Cheers!

  7. don't talk to me about blooody devon. three words - torbay bleedin' hospital. appendix. second day of holiday. ow ow ow.

  8. Eek! I was born there - emergency Caesarean, much blood-loss (Mother's). Shall we both agree to steer clear of the place in future?

  9. PS - ib! - let me know if there are any other gaps in your (digital) Weekend archive...

    Wigwams eh?

  10. Wigwams... It's sort of like camping in a tent, but a tad more comfortable. They come fully equipped with fridge and microwave, although we generally do our cooking ouside on an open fire...


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