Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Yeah, so, anyway...

Couple of days off and I feel like I been away for weeks (I must have this).

Simon's done four posts at last count, JC's put up the Best Pop EP Of The Early 80s (??), Jon's on a bootleg Beatles trip, Ally's finally revealed the pesky answers to her pesky quiz before departing, quite rightly, on (what I hope was) a magnificent bender and Tutu Vicar...oh, Tutu Vicar still hasn't posted owt (post something Tutu Vicar, do).

I have been mostly lacking inspiration, waking on dark mornings and drinking tea, not necessarily in that order.

Has that clocks-going-forward thing fecked you up at all? Has me. I'm not tired at bedtime and I don't want to get up at rise time. There was solace yesterday evening when I crossed Waterloo Bridge in sunshine and smelt heady blossom in suburban streets on the way back from the station. No lambs gambolled through meadows in my vision, but I did get downwind of the brewery and the yeastsmell was ripe. Happy days.

Can we call this a miscellaneous post? No overriding theme?

I wanna play blog tennis with Suzy P....

. another 12" single lost track from the Style Council 1984 for Jim...

The Style Council - 'Spring, Summer, Autumn' (1984)

..and crow about finding this on CD in the Notting Hill Housing Trust charity shop on Saturday for a quid...

A quid!

Prefab Sprout - 'Doo Wop In Harlem' (1990)

Life eh? A miscellaneous post; no overriding theme.


  1. I burned my old copy of Tracie Young's album to MP3 last's on a disc somewhere in my house and I can't find it! But she did a great version of the Weller tune. If I can find it, I'll post it. There were a couple of other great Weller songs on there that I'm surprised he didn't record himself. See, I'm full of posts in my head after a week away!

  2. Actually if you want to hear Tracie's version nip over to this page:

    The Cornershop Of The Man

    The full Respond catalogue - or as near as anybody is going to get it...

  3. Looking through the tracklisting, it's missing some stuff by The Questions...I might do a post on them and fill in the gaps...ah nostalgia!

  4. That's permissable, seeing as I don't already have the MP3 myself and I can't blinking work out how to embed anyway. Lovely.

  5. And now ver kids think you're on about Katie Price...

  6. Candidly, the Beatles week is a semi-vacation...blogger ennui...

  7. I know TSC became very poor (quite quickly), and that, if we're honest, Tracey Young and The Questions really weren't that good, but Senor Weller still looked mightily cool back then. Just loved the white Lambrettas...

    Anyways, Dave, just popped in for the first time in long time and have to say there are some marvellous tunes here that I DO NOT HAVE (at least not on up-loadable format. Yep, still to make this possible). So I thank you - muchos.

    The nights are light (and the mornings still so), summer's coming and that just makes everything just a little bit full of tingle.

    Love ya.


  8. Full of tingle is a good thing Mart x

  9. It's the same every week, innit? You boys are tingling and I'm slaving.

  10. As The Beadles might say Jon, 'It Won't Be Long'...


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