Monday, October 06, 2008

We Made It Through To Two

It is two years to the day since I opened my Blogger account with this little toe dip into the choppy wwwaters of the interweb. Two years! Sheesh! I'm not sure where that went exactly....except in a squall of fabulous shared music, camaraderie, brickbats, bon mots, quips, drinks, gibberish, gibes, brouhaha and the odd heartfelt moment, obviously.

As I've written here before, I do fear there is serious Disappearing Up Own Arse potential with these celebratory type posts, and to be honest with you, they're not really my thing - I'm much more of a not much happening of a Wednesday kinda guy - so if it's OK with you I'll just say a simple thank you at this point to you lovely regular commenters and inspiring fellow bloggers, silent stalkers and occasional visitors alike; you genuinely make this enterprise worthwhile - and in the inimitable words of the fat lady from the end of the Morecambe & Wise Show, "I love you all!"

What to play?

The brilliant, warm, passionate, funny and occasionally cracked persons who knock up the blogs listed on the right have helped me discover so many wonderful records in the last two years that it seems deeply unfair to single out just one - but I have, mostly because 1) it's the one I have played most 2) it's the one the whole house likes most 3) it's from Ally, who I think we all love very much and 4) it kind of fits.

Barbara Lewis - 'Hello Stranger' (1963)

Seems like a mighty long time x


  1. Oh stop it, do!

    I'm just sorry I couldn't find a decent picture or clip of the fat lady - her name was Janet Webb and her famous line, which she always delivered front of stage whilst Eric & Ernie watched bemused in the background was, "I'd like to thank all of you for watching me and my little show here tonight; if you've enjoyed it, then its all been worthwhile. So, until we meet again, goodbye and I love you all!". She would then be showered with flowers, presented with a bouquet, etc. How I miss her.

  2. The toppermost of the bloggermost! Happy two!

  3. Happy Blog Birthday!! Here's a little something funky that I think is quite fitting too!

    The Bar-Kays - With A Little Help From My Friends

  4. Huzzah and Hurrah - well done on making it through to two, and keep those pics and pop nuggets a'coming.

    Any chance of letting us in on where you find these fab photos?

  5. Google! Except the few wot I done meself.

  6. Also in the spirit of Eric & Ernie may I also say how much I’ve enjoyed your blog what you wrote.

  7. i'm in floods... really

    can we have a great big real life anyone can come it'd be lovely to actually see you people booze up one day ? i know it's scary but you're all too lovely to be quite so virtual.

    be real my dears

  8. I'm all for that - I went to one a few months ago for Clair Urban Woo's Birthday, Roman Empress,Mr Phil - Roman Empress's hubby, Five Centres, and Rock Mother were there - it was a right ol' tear up.

  9. I recall a similar gin-driven half-thought some time ago ally love.
    I guess I considered - along with logistics - that Expectation, being the author of Disappointment, may be a significant factor.

    But then, on reflection, I suspect we'd expect nothing of each other 'cept some good old fashioned peace n love smothered with lashings of mutual understanding.

    Is it a whimsical wistful wish from the reverie room?

    What do others think??

    Gorgeous song our Davy.

    Many happy returns indeed. Such naked inspiration to others - and yet, such heavily cloaked self promotion. Take great pride old lad.

    I wish you and the family nothing but oodles of happiness as you dance around the room.

    Oh and when are you booked into the smegma-ridden Hotel Bastardos again?

  10. I'm with Mondo, it's a great idea. Here’s a great quote from a comment dickvandyke left on my blog a while back:
    "I sometimes visualise what it would be like if a dozen or so of us met up in a (non-trendy) London boozer ...

    Old fashioned Juke Box - followed at 10pm by a bloke with a pile of vinyl and a sound system, decent beer, old pictures on walls, copy of the Guinness Book Of Hit Singles, a few NMEs, photos of 60s and 70s footballers, crowds and paraphernalia, a Diana Dors-type barmaid and a lock-in.

    Introducing ourselves would be fun. You'd be disgusted to find out what a good looking bastard I am!"

  11. Kinnel Mick - you archivist extraordinaire.

    Thanks for that mate; I thought I'd dreamt it - in the shed on my Lazyboy with a tub of cheeseballs and a Malibu.

  12. Flipping 'eck I'm watching what I'm saying if that Michael's keeping a record of everything. Heavily cloaked self promotion? C'est moi!

    I too have thought of this meeting up thing - and I'm scared...

    Jon, are you still coming to London this winter? Might you prove the excuse???

  13. PS: I'm back at Hotel Smeg mid-Nov.

  14. Plans for London are still in the cards...that is, if my dollar's worth anything then!

  15. It's from my 1st birthday, Dick (and Dave), that's how I knew where to find it. C'mon Jon, get over here...and you Steve in Korea!

  16. (I just did a little bit of wee in excitement and terror)

  17. Funny that this is a topic for today...last Friday night I met up with some local DC bloggers who I had yet to meet face to face--including one who now contributes to TVD.

    It was, uh...ok. (I think I was 'overserved'...)

  18. Me and Simon met up for a few pints the other week and it wasn't scary at all, not even a little bit. Gotta be done. Bit weird to contemplate but not scary and even the weird goes very quickly.

  19. Perhaps this gets documented on F&H?

  20. lol, not weird in the slightest. Isn't this just a particularly good little pub anyway this blog world. Cold beer and my favourite armchair and the best jukebox in the world...

  21. Congrats of the first order, Davester. Thanks for a blog that's definitely one of a super kind. And Mick, I'm due over next year, so you never know.

  22. Congrats on the anniversary - telegram from The Queen must surely be on its way by footman...

    And a real, live knees up would be grand. I don't suppose you'd all like to come round my place for gin & biccies? Vancouver's not really that far...

  23. When I was 8 years old and at school in Devon we had a Town Visit from a Vancouver Youth Band (in very bright red uniforms). They told us all about life there and brought wonderful pictures of where they lived - it looked like the most beautiful place on Earth. I decided I wanted to go there very much.

    I still haven't.


  24. It's belated, but happy second birthday...


  25. Glad you could make it companero. There are still a few softening Cheesie Wotsits in the kitchen and a half bottle of vodka if you know where to look x


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