Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Take A Walk With Me A While

We did a bit of a mad thing yesterday and drove with the girlies to the Aged Ps in Devon and back in one day which meant about 7 and a half hours in the car for a 6 hour visit, but it was my Dad's 85th birthday and - well, sometimes actually buying your Dad a beer on his birthday rather than just writing 'Cheers!' in the card from a distance is an important thing to do, isn't it?

We had a pub lunch, a quick run up and down the beach, introduced the girlies to carpet bowls (!) and then piled back into the car and onto the M5/M4, luckily into traffic the French call fluide, the flow on our side all the way back.

As we began the return journey with all those melancholy thoughts you have in your head when you leave ageing parents after a visit and remember the conversation about how to work the turntable (er, plug it in) and where the toaster was/wasn't ('Toaster. Toaster. Hmm...' said Dad) there was only one CD I really wanted to play.

Richard Hawley - 'Lady's Bridge' (2007)

(for his Dad, as a matter of fact).


  1. Bastard. Done it to me again.


  2. Never heard this before. Beautiful!

  3. Treasure thos moments with your Dad and the kids. Mine's been gone 4 years now and I'm just about to head off ot Bridport for a long weekend and all I can think of is the last time I was there with both my Mum and dad alive and we were off to a family wedding and I forgot the camera and there was a sullen silence in the car the whole way to the church: broken only when my Cousin (my age)a then newly qualified driver reversed into our car in the church car park!

  4. that's lovely treasure. i rang mine straight after reading this then did him some i'm sorry i haven't a clues then booked a train. and now i'm all teary too

  5. Oh crikey, sorry to have set you all off.

    Mick, I have been something of an evangelist for Mr Hawley's work for some time. If anything I like the 'Lady's Bridge' album more now then when I bought it 12 months ago.

    He's doing a concert in early December in the Devil's Arse cave in the Peak District, miles from anywhere, and afterwards everyone's invited to the local pub. How groovy is that?

  6. I know you have and I thought I didn’t like him. For some inexplicable reason I got him mixed up with Malcolm Middleton. I’ll check out the old stuff again.

  7. I preferred the Longpigs, actually. (Crazy, I know.)

  8. ...and what's Jon doing up at this time of the morning?

  9. Blimey, you're right - it's, what, 5:44 am??

  10. Yep...it's 6:43 am here in DC...time to feed the cats and get ready for the day, y'know.

    I'm loving the confirmation words these days: hourg. ('g' for...?)

  11. It sounds like the sound I make when I first get out of bed in the morning. Have A Nice Day DC!

  12. ...and to all, a good day.

  13. Well, I'm in Venice with my mum who keeps on saying 'when me and your dad were here' and 'your dad enjoyed this' and 'your dad would have loved that' and I'm also know 'done'. kaptcha = mismis which is just rubbing it in, frankly.

  14. Now, not know. It's the wine.

  15. Venezia! Bene, bene. It's sinking you know; mind out x

  16. I fully intend to eat a Veneziana at Pizza Express on Saturday to donate my 25p and so atone for flying out here. Ish.

  17. Good idea. If only it didn't have raisins on.

  18. Even Mrs Mick is walking around singing 'Take me with you when you go down to the river..'

    The kids, however, say it's boring and made me download the Girls Aloud single.

  19. Glad to have pleasured Mrs Mick (sorry, I'll get me coat).

    To be fair to your boys, that Girls Aloud song's FAB! Promise I make! Promise I make!

  20. You haven't had the pleasure of me, have you?

    ...and yes, the Girls Aloud song is pure pop magic. My 8-year old can really pick them. I'm tempted to write a post on his words of wisdom regarding music.


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