Monday, October 13, 2008

A Taste Of Honey

The Smiths - 'Stretch Out And Wait' (1985)


  1. now i'm all for stretching out but i'm a very bad waiter. oh bugger that went wrong - you know what i mean

  2. The nurse will see you now.

  3. Love that film. What's the Smiths song got to do with it? (so I don't have to listen to it)

  4. You're such a provocateur...but since you ask: the Salford-filmed 'ATOH' looms large in Moz iconography, with practically every memorable line in it having at some point been lifted for Smiths lyrics. I don't think there's a direct quote connection in the case of 'Stretch Out And Wait', but we're definitely in Delaneyworld-as- appropriated-by-Moz with it.

    And it's a beautiful song. Really. Give it a listen.

  5. I never knew that but I'm not totally surprised. I will give it a go. I try the Smiths out every once in a while but with a few notable exceptions they don't click with me. I find Morrisey a bit (lot) arch. Still, if you recommend it that's good enough for me.

  6. And you say 'arch' like it's a bad thing...!

  7. Interesting point you raise there. I think it depends whether or not you find yourself in sympathy with the artist in question

  8. young unrivaled smashing and bloody marvelous indeed

  9. Excellent film. I wonder how much dosh Rita's bohemian pal's canal side pad would go for these days ?

    Of course, I am conveniently forgetting the fall-out of last week's financial meltdown and cascading property prices; all this despite Brown's endeavours to extort the tax payer into buying out the banks, and to pay the Icelanders with one hand so they can return savings with the other.

  10. I once inherited a teaching group just before their exams who'd studied A Taste of Honey as their drama text, only to find that it wasn't actually on the paper and we had to do Romeo and Juliet in a day instead. But that, of course, is a very different song. "All I do know is we're here and it's now". Lovely.

  11. R&J in a day...YIKES.

    ib - I've stopped buying my Viennettas in 'Iceland' just to spite them.


  12. Vienettas in "Iceland", eh ? I'm just glad I never went so far as to purchase any Bjork. Unless those Sugarcubes count.

  13. *shrug* Love, death, passion, revenge, hope, fear, loss. It's all in a day's work round here.

  14. A dreadful confession, I know, but I'm pretty definitely with Mitch Benn on this one. Heaven knows I've tried, but there you go.

  15. "That bloke should get out more!" - fantastic.


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